Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Eternal Majesty of the Northern California Redwood Forest

When I was a young child of 8 or 9 my parents took me to see the magnificent redwoods in northern Cali. Their impression upon me was powerful, visceral. I remember hugging one and being absolutely certain I could feel it breathing with me...connecting with me on a spiritual level. Quite the experience for a young boy.

That experience never left me...never faded in my memory one bit. To this day I can close my eyes and feel the beautiful, ancient redwood breathing with me. Due to my career in dance I have been moving around the country for the last 25 years...never making it back to California. Never making it back that is, until now.

My Mom and I both have early September birthdays and decided to celebrate them together with a trip to the coast...4 glorious days exploring around Eureka, CA and north...all the way up to Crescent City for a kickass bowl of clam chowder and matching bowls of vanilla bean ice cream slathered with fudge, courtesy of our amazing waitress.

The first full day was taken up mostly with our meander through the Ladybird Johnson grove in the Redwood Forest. I've seen a lot in my life but rarely have I witnessed, and felt, such overwhelming beauty, such palpable peace. The Grove welcomed us, wrapped us in her warmth. It was affirming and changing all at the same time.

Christian Richards Photography

For more beautiful images go to Christian Richards Photography

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